Baby boomers and technology don't mix?  

Posted by arief74

LOL [means Laughing Out Loud], lets see whether my topic is going to get some discussion here. I first encountered the word baby boomers when I was in Melbourne for my postgrad degree. One of my fellow master candidate talked about the impact on the whole social and economic impact when she and other people are retiring in a few more years. Not to mention that she was made redundant from he job with just a few more years to retirement. Well, she succeeded to survive the storm and now working for Anecdote Australia.

What does the story got to do with the topic, nothing much just an intro. Recently, the word baby boomer that I now hear most of the time is associated to the matters related to usage of technology. Most of the time it was a comparison with the younger generation, namely gen-x and gen-y. And, in this context, baby boomers are associated to their lack of either interest about technology or that they are not interested about technology. Is this a fact? I want to know for sure.

So, as a typical gen-x, I simply hit the keys into the 'crystal ball' called Google, ... tehehe... just kidding, to find some answer. Want to know what I found? Just click on the link below :)

Although there's been a lot of talk over the last decade about the importance of creating technology for Baby Boomers, the conversation has largely focused on the size of their population, their characteristically different behavior than previous generations (throughout their lives) and the amount of disposable income they have available. When working on the Whirlpool in.home project last year, I realized that there was another compelling reason why design for Baby Boomers is important: their familiarity with computer technology.

If the above is not intriguing, try the one below ;)

HDTV Tops Baby Boomers’ Technology Wish List

Baby boomers’ love affair with technology continues and they plan to keep buying new technology.

Well, baby boomers are really tech savvy after all!

So then, arguments on baby boomers not really keen with technology or dislike technology may not be true...I don't know... maybe a baby boomer can share his/her view...

Besides, I'm a gen-x :)

This entry was posted on Friday, March 20, 2009 at Friday, March 20, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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